Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11, 2002

Today, I am writing about the first anniversary of September 11th. I guess I could tell you my story of what I was doing when...but to be honest, it wasn't very different from most people's stories. And I think a lot of them can express what I went through that Tuesday better than I could anyway.

But on the first anniversary of September 11th, I had recently moved back to Brooklyn after a year and a half of living in Manhattan. My grandma, Betty Jo, had died a few weeks earier and I was still reeling from that loss. So, remembering and mourning, and missing someone loved was very fresh on my mind.

I remember walking to Flatbush Avenue to run errands or something. And the sky was super clear blue, just like the year before. Except this day was windy. Incredibly windy. And the streets were quiet. It was as if every New Yorker was walking around wrapped up in whatever they were remembering. And what each one was remembering was so singularly awful that it all added up to collective silence. Every store I went into, the people were whispering. And on Flatbush, they were mostly whispering about the wind.

One woman said that the wind was all the souls of the people who died. Blowing down the streets because they were sad and angry and didn't want us to forget them. And that's really what it felt like. Clear blue sky, no clouds, but fierce wind. And then all I wanted to do was be home in my new apartment. I didn't like the idea of walking through all those souls.

On my way home, I thought, "someday it will be 10 years from September 11, 2001". And I wondered what that anniversary would feel like.

And here it is. Here we are. Ten years later.

I don't really have an answer.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Yummy Mummies

Make me want to barf. Apparently, clueless/rude mothers are an international phenomenon. I guess I didn't realise that once you have a child and a giant stroller you have to turn in your common decency. I have a child. AND a GIANT stroller, but I haven't tried to run anyone down with my stroller yet. And I especially haven't let my child run wild on her stupid scooter thing. I hate those scooters and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Baby E never even SEES one!

I know that children take up a lot of "brain space". But I don't think I'll ever forget that standing FOUR abreast on a not-huge, busy sidewalk is not a good idea. These Mummies, standing around talking to each other, letting their kids run around crazy, make it impossible to MOVE!

I'm all about Free Range Kids, but seriously, reign 'em in Ladies! There are cars inches away and TONS of people trying to get past you. Somebody is going to get hurt.

And it might be YOU.

I can't control what my giant bag of groceries might accidentally bump into...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Freddie Mercury is Raising My Baby

Not really...but wouldn't that be AWESOME!

My daughter's taste in music is surprisingly similar to mine. Weird right? I was a little concerned when all her stuffed-up animals refused to sing anything other than Queen today. But I've given in. No use fighting. For now.

This will either make her super cool when she gets older. Or lead her to hate all my music choices on long drives or while I wash dishes. Please let her be super cool.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Well, Hello There!

Did you miss me??? I missed YOU! Because YOU are my favorite! Don't tell the others...

So, I guess the last time I posted was in March. That's ridiculous. I'm sorry. Way too long. Hopefully it will never happen again. It's not like I was busy or anything. Or maybe I was. I can't remember. Because...I have a baby! She's a girl and she's beautiful, wonderful, super cute, hilarious, perfect, so smart, gifted AND talented!

Seriously, you should see her. I've never seen a baby better at grunting and drooling. Not to mention filling diapers like a champ! Takes after her mom!

I'm wondering if, now that I have a daughter, I'm a Mommy Blogger.

Probably not.

Technically though, probably.

Anyway, I really missed writing to you all. Also wanted to say, "Happy Birthday!" to my friend Elizabeth. I'd been thinking about writing a post again...your message finally gave me the kick in the pants I was looking for!

See you all soon!