Saturday, August 29, 2009

It Only Took Us 2 Months

We have a TV! And it's huge!!!

I love having it - and we have cable too:)

In Ann Arbor we had a TV, but no cable. Fine. Whatever. We were super busy with B School and hanging out with friends and whatever else we did for 2 years.

When we moved to New York, we had cable, but no TV.

I thought. Was unacceptable.

Sometimes I would stand next to the cable box, put my ear up to it, and see if I could hear Bravo.

Now I can't get enough of Discovery Health Channel. Right now I'm watching "I didn't know I was Pregnant". Can you imagine??? That would be awesome! Slash, INCREDIBLY FRIGHTENING!!!

Anyway - I love TV. Thank you Samsung:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you <3 your new TV! We just purchased a 55555" new one today. Mocha doesn't *really* need to be spayed, right? :-)
