Yesterday we got the keys to our new apartment! We each got a set of four. Three keys out of the four are skeleton still make locks like that??? Tony said it best, "I feel like a 17th century grounds keeper." Me too, dear husband, me too.
We spent yesterday afternoon in our new place. Checking everything out, making sure nothing was super broken. We also walked around the neighborhood - walked into a few local stores. I told (just about) everybody I saw that we had just moved in. Because I'm trying to make friends. It got us free lattes at the fancy food store - and maybe a friend.
Getting a new apartment is a great way to push through jet lag. Kind of. I'm still tired. And unfocused. Still sick (boo. I thought that once you got away from all the corn and ragweed you were supposed to feel better). But I'm pretty sure my lunch is going to fix everything: coke and reese's pieces. At 5pm.
Now for the bad news...well, not bad really. Just annoying.
Here's what was supposed to happen:
Return to London on Tuesday, pick up keys.
All our stuff delivered to new apartment on Wednesday.
Start our new life totally happy and unpacked on Thursday.
Here's what's happening:
Returned to London on Tuesday, picked up keys.
Our stuff is not being delivered today because of construction on our street.
...As for Thursday...ummm...
Basically, the moving company says it can't bring us our things until...September 10. Not only because of the construction, but also because they failed to apply for a parking permit. And that takes 2 weeks to get. I'm not quite sure how they would have gotten around this bit if they were going to deliver our stuff today. Since, apparently, they only applied for the permit - yesterday.
I am reminded of a gentle warning from Tansasser about how hard it was for Marmina and Mmarc to get their stuff delivered.
Also of interest, our corporate apartment allotment is up tomorrow morning. Officially. Unofficially they (the job) are going to put us up until something can be worked out. But, we're going to start moving our things up to the new place.
So...we might be living in an empty apartment for a couple of weeks. At least it will give me plenty of time to make sure it's all clean and ready.
Some more good news:
We're very happy with our apartment choice. The neighborhood is great. We timed the walk to the train - 2 min 40 sec. And I think we took the long way. And we're pretty sure our apartment is going to be big enough and comfortable enough. All good news. I can't wait to actually live there.
Still, more good news:
My brother got married. I love him. And his new wife. Makes me so happy.
Caroline's 15 month appointment
9 years ago