I have decided that I want brandy snifters.
I've been reading a lot (A LOT) of mystery novels recently. And when the cops come (in England) to question you, you offer them brandy. You also give it to someone when they are cold or in shock. I am both. So I want brandy.
Mostly, I want to hold a great big glass with amber liquid in it. I have no idea what brandy tastes like. If I don't like it - I will make a giant margarita on the rocks with salt. In my new brandy snifter. It will be awesome. I will drink it all and be warm.
And then, I will slowly come out of my shock induced stupor and say something brilliant and the Cheif Inspector will tell me that I helped him solve the mystery and that he loves me and would I please marry him and move into his beautiful estate that has been in his family for 600 years.
And I will say yes.
As long as I can bring my snifters.
But he probably has nicer ones. Because he's rich.
We'll just use his.
I KNEW IT!! Tony has two jobs -- the second job is that of a police chief you just haven't met him on his beat... when you do... needless to say you'll love his brandy snifters.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait!!!