1/19/11 - 14:45
1/19/11 - 15:25
WE ARE leaving!
1/19/11 - 15:27
Had to stop for cash, burgers & gas. On the road at 16:15
1/19/11 - 17:45 (CST)
We're in Room 724 at the Holiday Inn. Once again, Kitty made an excellent choice. I'm hungry.
1/19/11 - 19:15
Just finished pizza and wings for supper. Both were very good. Now we are relaxing with sodas. I got two different spots on my t-shirt. Thanks Betty Jo & Jim! (editor's note: Betty Jo = my grandma, who ALWAYS ended up with some part of breakfast, lunch and supper on her shirt. Jim is a dear friend who seemed to have the same skill)
1/20/11 - 06:50
"CRUISER BRUISER WHITE" We are checked in, thru security, at our gate and Kitty says, "Cruiser Bruiser White!" We're inside the airport, we can see our plane out the window and Kathy spots a White PT Cruiser on the tarmac! She really is the champion.
1/20/11 - 08:40
CLICK! My seat belt clicked. I am in my seat and looking out the window.
The plane is VERY EMPTY. Kitty and I moved to an Emergency Exit Row MUCH MORE LEG ROOM
We moved AGAIN. We are sitting in the middle row. We have three seats!One seat is for Kitty, One seat is for me, AND one seat is for ALL the junk. Pillows and Blankets (airline's and ours). Newspaper and other stuff.
1/20/11 - 10:00
We're on our way to see Jenny, Tony and Hastings. When's Breakfast?
Breakfast WAS GREAT. I had coffee, silver-dollar pancakes, scrambled eggs, ham, fruit, and coffee. I think I need a nap.
Now Dark. I just remembered that the candy (chocolate) is supposed t o be GREATin the UK/ I'm not hungry. I'm just planning my vacation.
23:05 GMT
I saw The Eye as we were on approach to Heathrow. It was a nig circle with blue lights.
The graphic for women is different. She is wearing a hoop skirt.
1/21/11 - 00:45
WE'RE HERE! The Driver picked us up. We got in with him and drove to Jenny and Tony's apartment. The only problem is that Jenny and Tony are still at the airport.
Charles Proxy -- Trusting the SSL certificate
8 years ago