Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Decision

I've stopped doing New Year's Resolutions.  Mostly because I can never I think of anything really interesting to do.  Ummm...loose weight?  Better control of finances?  I do, however; challenge myself in one way or another a couple of times per year. 

Anybody remember, "I'm not drinking Diet Coke anymore"?  That's one of my favorites.  And it was surprisingly hard - every time I did it.  Come to think of it, the last time I really did that was in 2009.  And I've not really had any Diet Coke since.  I decided that if I was going to drink pop (suck it NYC), then I was going to go for the real deal.  I figured that the sugar (corn syrup, whatever) was probably better than the chemical soup that is artificial sweetener.

Now though, I LOVE a cold can of Coca-Cola.  Yum.  But I don't always have it in the house.  And when I do buy a 6 pack, I only put a can in the fridge when I want one.  So, 6 cans usually lasts about 2 weeks.  Blah, blah, blah.  Basically, I wanted to let you know that I'm better than you because I drink less pop than I used to.  Also, I just ended that sentence with a preposition.

But - what I really wanted to tell you about is what I've decided to do today.

You all know that I've been spending WAY too much time online reading crap and checking to see if you've updated anything on Facebook or if Dooce has finally posted another picture of Chuck.  Don't worry - I'm not changing anything about that.  BUT...one of the other things that takes up a ton of my time, and I'm so super ashamed to admit this, was reading Perez Hilton.  A lot.  Checking to see if anything was new.  CONSTANTLY....All.the.time.

I know a lot of you have very strong feelings about his super pink blog.  He used to be very mean and crass; sadly, I didn't really notice that until he stopped.  Which I think is admirable.  The stopping, not the me not noticing.  Apparently, he decided in the wake of all the child-suicides that he too needed to stop being a bully.  And I think he's done it.

But.  I've decided to stop reading.  Not because of anything he's done or said.  But because I realized I don't really care at all about most of the stuff on there.  I have never heard a Justin Beeber song and could not care less who a 13 year old boy is dating.  And I know Lindsay's had a tough time, but I skip everything he writes about her. 

So I think it's time.  I'm giving it up.  I'll let you know how it goes.  And hopefully, I'll come up with something super cool to replace it with.  Like...dishes!    


  1. Good luck with that! I know you'll be fine not reading Perez Hilton, but I wonder if you'll really replace it with dishes. I tend to just find new sites to sit and stare at all day.

  2. No way am I going to replace it doing dishes. At least not after today. ugh.

  3. Jenny, sounds like you need to adopt a cat from your local pet shelter. Or start playing games on Facebook! Or take more pictures to post on your blog! Or share important personal info like your impending aunthood.
