Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

A little late...but whatever.  I'm sure it's not like you've been checking my blog every 15 minutes to see if I've posted anything new...Because I never do that.  I never spend entire afternoons reloading pages just to see if anything is different.  Why would that be a productive, fulfilling, edifying thing to do with my time???

Whatever.  I totally do it.  All weekend.  And then I complain at you all when you haven't been productively blogging for my entertainment.  But it's totally cool when I take 3 weeks off.  Is off a preposition?  I think it is.  And I just ended another sentence with a preposition.  My favorite grammatical error!

Well, anyway.  Today is Monday and in the U.K. it's a Bank Holiday.  The day the banks and post offices and other random places get to close because New Year's Day was on a Saturday.  It's Tony's last day of vacation before heading back to work.  And I'm pretending that it's my last day of vacation too, even though I don't have  a job.  But I refuse to do anything work-y.  Like laundry.  Or folding laundry.  Or taking down the tree.  Until I and the rest of the Untied Kingdom go back to work tomorrow.

I would like to take a moment to thank The Queen, Paul McCartney, and Stephen Fry for making this Bank Holiday possible...............................................................thank you.


  1. I wish I had a bank holiday. Until then, I will cry as I work at my laptop.

  2. Happy New Year Jenny! Any new pictures to share?
