Monday, January 10, 2011


After six long months and a very long day for all of us, Hastings is home safe and sound.  Thanks so much to my mom and dad for all their help.  Especially Mom, who now knows more about the PETS Travel Scheme than any person could ever care to know.

He's a little confused and tired (who isn't after a 7 hour international flight?), but I think he knows where he is.  And who he's with.  Lots of meowing and petting.  And shedding.

This is basically how it all went down...

And then this is what happened next...

I'm so happy he's home!


  1. Nate loves that lion video...I think he watches it at least once a week. I'm so glad you have Hastings at home now!!!! Why haven't you shown us any photos of your flat??? :)

  2. Because I'm totally lame. I have them, just haven't posted them...I should set myself a deadline...

  3. That's great news! Stop being lame and let's see your flat. Deadline is Wednesday at 10am.

  4. Deadlines...ha! I will try to get it together though!
