Normally, I wouldn't use my blog to whine or complain. But I'm about to do both - so feel free to skip this one if you want.
This has been a weird holiday season for me. I was home in Indiana with my parents for 3 weeks, currently am in New York City, and leaving tomorrow for Michigan.
We didn't put up a tree; our only Christmas decoration is a poinsettia. It's red.
I didn't make any cookies. At all. None.
And we're not buying presents.
This is also the first year that I'm not going to see my parents at all on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Technically, we celebrated when my brother was home from Denver - that was fun. So - I've sort of already had Christmas with them. But it's still going to be weird.
And Tony and I have to sleep in separate beds because of flooding in his parent's basement. I'm not especially happy about this. I would at least like to be in the same room with him on Christmas Eve night. Actually, don't get me started on this one - it kind of makes me mad.
So...Christmas. My favorite time of year. Usually. I might just have to chalk this one up as "Epic Fail".
Don't get me wrong - I haven't forgotten about why I celebrate and how thankful I am for Jesus' birth.
But I'm still going to miss the cookies. And the tree. And my parents. And my husband.